Why do we need a Blockchain Course in Mauritius

For the last 12 months, Horizon Africa has been organizing regular talks at the Mauritius Africa Fintech Hub offices in Ebene with the aim of discussing the future of businesses. Our talks were very focused on the Blockchain technology and how it would affect businesses and governance in the future. While doing the talks and seminars and engaging with the participants, we saw that a full-fledged blockchain course in Mauritius would be hugely beneficial for professionals or blockchain enthusiasts. This post is going to highlight some of our most popular talks which were hugely appreciated by our audience.

Blockchain and FinTech

One of our first talks was about Blockchain and FinTech where we discussed about the way Blockchain is creating new opportunities in the Financial Technology sector. We gave a quick definition of what FinTech is and how it is evolving in the African continent. We also discussed about more technical aspects relative to blockchain including mining, rewards and consensus algorithms.

Blockchain course in Mauritius
Blockchain course in Mauritius

Blockchain and Career Perspectives

Akash and Suyash hosted a session where fifty students were invited in Ebene to participate in a talk about blockchain and career perspectives. The session was divided into explaining the different concepts about blockchain and pushing forward the different career perspectives in the blockchain and cryptocurrencies sector.

Blockchain Consensus Algorithms (DevCon 2019)

During the Developers Conference 2019, Suyash gave a seminar about blockchain consensus algorithms and the technical implications of using different consensus rules. This talk was targeted at people from a technical background and as such was very technical in nature.

Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and Challenges for Regulators

One of our most important and engaging talks that Horizon Africa did was about blockchain and regulations and was particularly aimed at regulators in Mauritius. The session included a lot of discussions with the participants, along with technical discussions about the blockchain technology as a whole, the way cryptocurrencies work, how regulations can catch up with the blockchain technology and automated blockchain-based regulatory systems.

Blockchain course in Mauritius
Blockchain course in Mauritius
Suyash Sumaroo
Suyash Sumaroo
Experienced in the Cryptocurrency and Blockchain technology and over 10 years development and managerial experience in software development. Looking forward to help businesses to tap into new opportunities with the blockchain technology.